For all the Naruto fans like me who are waiting for the price of the most recent game Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 to drop we are still out of luck. There was a price drop for a couple of days in mid-April just before the game was released in Japan. Amazon's listing for the game showed a drop of $10 USD ($63 TTD). I'm sure many people who saw the first price drop as hope for it to drop future are kicking themselves for letting such a deal pass them by. I, myself included. Since that little teaser of a price drop, Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 has held strong its $59.99 price tag for approximately 5 weeks now. Seeing that the game was released on March 5, 2013 and other games released around that same time have seen $10, $15 and even $20 in price drops, it would be expected that Ninja Storm 3 would have followed suit too. Games like Tomb Raider (2013), Bioshock Inifinite and God of War: Ascension have all dropped in price since their release dates. The only factor that sticks out with the case of Ninja Storm 3 is that its a game made outside of the US. Typically anime games remain a constant higher price, even up to years and years after they have been released. For example Ninja Storm 2, Naruto Shippuden Generations, One Piece Kaizoku Musou and Saint Saiya have all remained with above $30 - $40 price tags long after being released. Not to even mention the Dragonball Z games which still cost close to $50 currently since coming out in 2010 and before.
For now, the waiting continues for Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 to price drop.
Amazon listing for Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 on 5/11/13 |
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