There is a treat to be had. Go to Google images search and type in "atari breakout" and enjoy.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Saturday, May 25, 2013
PS4 vs. Xbox One vs. Wii U
So the next generation of gaming consoles are set. We have the PS4 vs. Xbox One vs. Wii U. I do believe that the PS4 will be the leader this time around in the console wars. I mean come on Microsoft, Gaming consoles should be all about the "gaming" function of the console. I feel as if Microsoft has missed the mark with this console. Let us take a look the three contenders one aspect at a time.
Firstly is the name. The Xbox, Xbox 360, PS 1-3 and the Wii were all names that have become second nature in the minds of everyone. This time around however, We got the Wii U, PS4 and Xbox One. The name Wii U, being just an addition on the original Wii is quite fine. Some people complain that the name is kiddy and corny but for me it just fits. Wii U represents that idea of the console exactly. Next on to the PS4. Sony has released that their fan base is loyal and they have the perfect branding of the PS name. To break this would be unnecessary. Microsoft.... what were you thinking? Xbox One? wait what? I literally wanted to puke the first time I heard the name. It not only was confusing but it is a stupid name. So what would they call the next Xbox after the Xbox One? the Xbox Two?...enough said.
Firstly is the name. The Xbox, Xbox 360, PS 1-3 and the Wii were all names that have become second nature in the minds of everyone. This time around however, We got the Wii U, PS4 and Xbox One. The name Wii U, being just an addition on the original Wii is quite fine. Some people complain that the name is kiddy and corny but for me it just fits. Wii U represents that idea of the console exactly. Next on to the PS4. Sony has released that their fan base is loyal and they have the perfect branding of the PS name. To break this would be unnecessary. Microsoft.... what were you thinking? Xbox One? wait what? I literally wanted to puke the first time I heard the name. It not only was confusing but it is a stupid name. So what would they call the next Xbox after the Xbox One? the Xbox Two?...enough said.
PlayStation 3,
PlayStation 4,
Wii U,
Xbox 360,
Xbox One
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
PS4 Concept Design

Hours right after the Xbox One's big reveal we see an artist rendition of the PlayStation 4 that Sony is expected to unveil on June 10th at E3. The concept design shows all the key zoomed in features from the PS4 teaser released yesterday.
Xbox One is Microsoft's Next Generation Console
Guess all the rumors and speculations were wrong. The next generation Xbox will not be called the Xbox 720, Xbox Infinity or Xbox 3. The Xbox One will be a new era in mixing gaming, entertainment and adventure into the living rooms of many. According to Microsoft, more to be revealed at E3 2013 next month (June).
Xbox Reveal countdown
The 1pm EST live Microsoft event is just hours away as the exception builds you can't help but wonder if there will be a ground shaking, earth changing points released at the event, or will it be a total miss.
The timezone for the event are as follows:
United States
1:00pm ET
10;00am PT
United Kingdom/Ireland
New Zealand
Check back here during the event for live posts and then my ultimate thought and review at the end
Monday, May 20, 2013
Sony's PS4 Teaser Video courtesy IGN
Here is a link to the Sony's PS4 Teaser Video courtesy IGN's YouTube page.
Sony's PS4 Teaser Video
Okay with less than 24 hours away from Microsoft's big Xbox reveal, what does Sony do to 1up them? Sony releases a PlayStation 4 Teaser Video. The teaser gives us a glimpse of the PS4 console itself, some up close shot of the system itself and a look at the peripherals. The final box may look like the blurred out image that we see in the teaser or it maybe a completely different design from what is shown here. I believe the close ups are real but the blurred out box is just a place holder until the final reveal is done. At this stage, it is still to early to know definitively how the final design will actually look from just seeing a few zoomed in photos but for now we can purpose some ideas.
Read more for the photos and more...
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Naruto Shippuden UNS 3 $5 Price Drop
The decent has finally begun, Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 has dropped in price. Wait, before the excitement overflows, the price drop is only by $5 USD, but that is still good news as this is the start of UNS 3 gradual decrease in price before it levels off. This interesting news comes on the heels of Namco Bandai announcing this week that Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 since its release date has sold more than 1.5 million copies. By my calculations, that is approximately $90,000,000 dollars in revenue. That is not bad at all for an anime type game that isn't even 3 months old yet. The other question at this stage is whether or not he Goku DLC first run copies are all sold out at this point, or whether there are still copies available on sale. As always, we will keep you posted on further price changes with UNS 3 and other games.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Get 500 Free Amazon Coins
Good news for all Kindle owners. Today Amazon surprised everyone logging into the Kindle App Store. You get 500 free coins or $5 to spend. The question now is how to use it. The 500 coins must be used on either apps or games in the Kindle store.
My suggestion for games in the Kindle Store that you should use your 500 coin on, in no particular order are:
1. The Amazing Spider-Man (Kindle Tablet Edition)
2. N.O.V.A. 3 - Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance (Kindle Tablet Edition)
3. Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour (Kindle Tablet Edition)
4. Gangstar Rio: City of Saints (Kindle Tablet Edition)
5. Skylanders Cloud Patrol (Kindle Tablet Edition)
My suggestion for games in the Kindle Store that you should use your 500 coin on, in no particular order are:
1. The Amazing Spider-Man (Kindle Tablet Edition)
2. N.O.V.A. 3 - Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance (Kindle Tablet Edition)
3. Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour (Kindle Tablet Edition)
4. Gangstar Rio: City of Saints (Kindle Tablet Edition)
5. Skylanders Cloud Patrol (Kindle Tablet Edition)
"Jailbreak your Playstation 4" wait... what?
A simple search for PS4 Jailbreaking and you will be bombarded with hundred of results for ways to go about jailbreaking your PS4. Are you kidding me? The PlayStation 4 is still safely in the hands of Sony engineers and already the internet is on fire with methods, proof videos and tutorials to bypass the restrictions of your device. It would be safe to say that when the PS4 first is launch we would see hackers swarming the console to get under hood and take control of the console.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Xbox Infinity predictions
Everyone has their eyes on that upcoming day, 21st May when Microsoft will make their big Xbox next generation announcement. I am a bit cautions but not overly excited about the whole event planned by Microsoft to unveil the rumor Xbox Infinity. The PlayStation 4 reveal event held by Sony a couple of months back was a bit of a disappoint for me. Besides not getting to see the actual PS4 console itself or Seattle some work-in-progress concept, the event was overly hyped but it just didn't hit the mark for me. I don;t know if as consumers we have become too accustomed to the flash and awe of these types of public reveal events that the impact is now lost.
I remember back in the days when the Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360 were first announced and reveled and regardless of how they looked or what they were being touted to be able to do, the level of excitement and craving for these consoles where out of this world. We can only hope that with E3 upcoming in June we would be be wowed by some amazing reveals.
"Read more" for my full list of predictions
"Read more" for my full list of predictions
Will OUYA sink or swim?
Will OUYA sink or swim?

Saturday, May 11, 2013
Naruto Shippuden: Ninja Storm 3 No Price Drop
For all the Naruto fans like me who are waiting for the price of the most recent game Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 to drop we are still out of luck. There was a price drop for a couple of days in mid-April just before the game was released in Japan. Amazon's listing for the game showed a drop of $10 USD ($63 TTD). I'm sure many people who saw the first price drop as hope for it to drop future are kicking themselves for letting such a deal pass them by. I, myself included. Since that little teaser of a price drop, Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 has held strong its $59.99 price tag for approximately 5 weeks now. Seeing that the game was released on March 5, 2013 and other games released around that same time have seen $10, $15 and even $20 in price drops, it would be expected that Ninja Storm 3 would have followed suit too. Games like Tomb Raider (2013), Bioshock Inifinite and God of War: Ascension have all dropped in price since their release dates. The only factor that sticks out with the case of Ninja Storm 3 is that its a game made outside of the US. Typically anime games remain a constant higher price, even up to years and years after they have been released. For example Ninja Storm 2, Naruto Shippuden Generations, One Piece Kaizoku Musou and Saint Saiya have all remained with above $30 - $40 price tags long after being released. Not to even mention the Dragonball Z games which still cost close to $50 currently since coming out in 2010 and before.
For now, the waiting continues for Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 to price drop.
For now, the waiting continues for Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 to price drop.
Amazon listing for Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 on 5/11/13 |
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift EXTEND Limited Edition (PS3)
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift EXTEND is an anime style 2D fighting game from Japan. The Limited Edition of the game come with a copy of the BlazBlue Continuum Shift game, a 40 page art book, a 2012 character calender for each month of year and the soundtrack for the game. Overall if you can get this limited edition for $20 USD or less and your are a fan of this type of fighting game, then by all means go for it. I was able to snag this limited edition on Amazon for $17 (same price as the regular edition) before the price skyrocketed back up to $33.34. Seeing such a deal I had to pick it up.
The art in the art book is nice and the quality is really nice, but it is just an basic art book that is specific to this game. The book doesn't feel like 40 pages. In fact it barely feels like 20 pages, as you would like to see them include a bit more if you are a fan of anime art. BlazBlue has alot of potential to be a great anime if the story is tweaked at some points. There is not much to say about the included 2012 calender seeing that it is 2013 already, but it was nice that they included the entire mini 2013 calender at the back of the book. The character art in the calender is nice as well so even if it is outdated, you can still enjoy the characters portrayed for each month. The soundtrack was a great addition as well. I particularly enjoyed some of the songs, while other not so much. I am not a big fan of soundtracks, with this being my first one ever owned. It was okay, but i don't see myself becoming a collector of them overnight.
The game itself is a bit slow paced but fun. The BlazBlue opening theme was very impressive, it give the real feeling like you are about to watch an anime. I normally skip game opening sequences, but with BlazBlue: Continuum Shift I actually watch the intro ever time I start the game. BlazBlue: Continuum Shift EXTEND is out right now in a regular version and a limited edition, available on the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.

The game itself is a bit slow paced but fun. The BlazBlue opening theme was very impressive, it give the real feeling like you are about to watch an anime. I normally skip game opening sequences, but with BlazBlue: Continuum Shift I actually watch the intro ever time I start the game. BlazBlue: Continuum Shift EXTEND is out right now in a regular version and a limited edition, available on the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Coming Soon: Investigative Report on "Buying Local vs Importing"
As a Trini gamers the big question is; should we buy our games locally or skybox all the way?
There are die hard believers on both side of this issue. One side believes that it is cheaper as a Trini gamer to buy your console, accessories and games local. while the other side believes that you have to shop online and import to get the best deal on your gaming essentials. The issue will be investigated on both sides and a final recommendation will be made.
Full article coming soon...
There are die hard believers on both side of this issue. One side believes that it is cheaper as a Trini gamer to buy your console, accessories and games local. while the other side believes that you have to shop online and import to get the best deal on your gaming essentials. The issue will be investigated on both sides and a final recommendation will be made.
Full article coming soon...
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix - 09/10/13
Square Enix will be releasing Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix on September 10, 2013. The game is like a remastered re-release of past Kingdom Hearts games such as Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Re:Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts 2. The release will feature updated HD graphics and tweaks to fit the PlayStation 3 format. I am excited for Kingdom Hearts Final Mix as the game was never released outside of Japan. Final Mix will include extra content not found in the original, extra boss battles and a few additional keyblades. I must say that this release is worth it, whether you are a fan of the Kingdom Heart series or not. The retail price will be $40.00 USD ($260.00 TTD). Square Enix also announced that pre-orders will come with a limited edition art book which is always nice. The art book will showcase character designs, concept art and so on of Sora, Riku and the others.
Kingdom Hearts Pre-order Limited Edition scans and downlo
PS4 "greatness awaits"
With the next generation of gaming consoles practically on our doorsteps, it is no surprise that we are getting tons and tons of leaks and rumors at a furious pace. Nintendo has already shown us their hand with the Wii U was their next gen. console. All that is left now is to see what Microsoft and Sony are going to unleash with the next Xbox and the PlayStation 4.
It is rumored that the PlayStation 4 will be pushed with the slogan "greatness awaits". I am not to enthusiastic about that slogan as it makes you think of possible different scenarios in which it can go. One the one hand, it can mean that the PS4 is just awaiting your interface with it to journey towards greatness, or it means that you are to buy into the idea that greatness is along the road of the journey of the PS4 and player in the future to come. Either way, the rumored "greatness awaits" slogan by Sony is hit or miss depending on your interpretation.
It is rumored that the PlayStation 4 will be pushed with the slogan "greatness awaits". I am not to enthusiastic about that slogan as it makes you think of possible different scenarios in which it can go. One the one hand, it can mean that the PS4 is just awaiting your interface with it to journey towards greatness, or it means that you are to buy into the idea that greatness is along the road of the journey of the PS4 and player in the future to come. Either way, the rumored "greatness awaits" slogan by Sony is hit or miss depending on your interpretation.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Amazon Deal Finds (Gamers, Otaku and MMA fans)

- Resident Evil Archives Volume 2
- UFC Official Fan's Guide: As Real As It Gets
- Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Artbook
Read more for links and details
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Xbox Fusion or Xbox Infinity
The question is ‘Infinity’ Versus ‘Fusion’? With the May 21st big release coming very soon, speculations are flying with possible names that the next Xbox would be named.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Call of Duty: Ghosts is official
It's official, after the rumors, leaks and speculations .. Call of Duty Ghosts has been officially confirmed by Activision. Activision is planning a November 2013 release date. The Call of Duty: Ghosts product listing is officially live and available for pre-order on Amazon has a release date of November 5, 2013 with a retail price of USD $59.99. See link below.
Call of Duty: Ghosts Amazon Pre-order
Call of Duty: Ghosts Amazon Pre-order
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon [Early thoughts]
After being a big fan of Far Cry 3, when I heard that DLC would be soon to be released I jumped for joy at the idea of continuing my Far Cry experience. I was not too enthusiastic about the story premise and was bothered by the 80's theme of the game. After downloading Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon on release day I couldn't wait to jump in. The retro 4:3 ratio VHS style intro was interesting, as well as the overall menu structure and feel of the beginning level and design of the game. My excitement was short lived however, as annoyance and disappointment set in. Keep in mind that I have currently not even made it to the 50% point of the game, but Blood Dragon has way cut scenes that are too slow paced that they are painful at times and the nauseating neon orgy of a colour schemes have me setting down the controller quiet often to take vomit breaks. As it stands right now I will withhold my final judgement on the game until I can complete the game.
Stay Tuned for Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon review coming soon...
Stay Tuned for Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon review coming soon...
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